Our C-Baby is now 6 years old! Hard to believe, I know. He has had a few days of celebrating. Saturday night we went to his favorite restaurant, Joe's Crab Shack, and I can't believe I forgot the camera! The boys played outside on the playground for 45 minutes while we waited for our table and had a blast. After lots of food and dancing with the waitresses, they had Camden run around the room banging two lids together while everyone sang "Happy Birthday". He loved it. Sunday he went to play miniature golf with Daddy and today he got to open a few presents and eat what he wanted, which consisted of waffles, pizza, cake, pancakes and more cake.
We all went to school to eat lunch with him.
He smiles just like Uncle Clint, no eyes!
He loves his Daddy!
We also had a great time Sunday at the church picnic. I don't think the boys ever ate more than one bite, and maybe a cookie but they sure had a great time.
Your boys are way too cute! I am so happy that I got to share a room with you at the retreat and I look forward to getting to know you better. Hopefully, we can have some playdates this summer!
Wow! 6 years old! Where does the time go? I bet he is a good big brother! Happy Bday Camden!
Hurray!! Happy birthday Camden! Aunt Mandy loves you!
Happy Birthday to you
Marmelade in your shoe
Apricots in your pants
Happy Birthday to you
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